The stones
Friday, February 23, 2007

Talking to Anthony the other day and he came up with this amazing incite.

39And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

40And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

Luke 19: 39-40

We now have people like Robbie Williams and Madonna who are clearly not Christian and going to Hell being key people in the fight for justice. If we do not cry out for justice the very rocks will cry out. The rocks are not just rocks but "normal" every day people if we do not cry out nature will cry out in response to our lack.
This is short end of a long conversation and I hope it makes sense, I guess it's a bit like Jackie Pullinger said "Isn't it a shame that the music industry has to tell Christians that we are going to make poverty history, shouldn't we all ready be doing it"

posted by pete footer at 2:37 PM


28/2/07 08:12 ::: Anonymous Anonymous said...

its good to see the non-chrisians eraticating poverty and making it history... the power that could be held through these 'worldly' people to speak Jesus word and change the hearts of every young teen following in their foot steps. Its ashame, Jesus.


28/2/07 08:49 ::: Blogger olivia. said...

wow. shoot.


1/3/07 19:59 ::: Anonymous Anonymous said...

clearly not christians and going to hell...that's a big statement to make there buddy and one that really isn't your place to make. but i do hear the message that you are trying to get across just think we need to be careful bout makin a judgment on someone elses salvation


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