Saturday, November 08, 2008

Having been back in Adelaide for all most two weeks now I'm blown away by the large amount of junk I allowed in my life. Take for instance the countless hours of TV that have been wasted at the very least I could have been watching the news. The constant need for entertainment is amazing here walking into a bookstore I was amazed to see that all of the books in the most popular section were picture books no wonder I can't spell and my grammars shot.
The plan is to steer away from TV as much as possible and replace that time with good soul convicting books, all ready this has alienated me in the house as I spend a lot of time avoiding what is probably the only family activity we have.

Whiles I was reading today Shriek 3 was on the TV, my nieces were over so I didn't want to leave the room so I sat and half watched half read. The convictions blew me away when stuck in a situation the good guys decided that violence was the only answer and start to fight their way out of the situation. Near the end there seems to be hope as the "villains" decide that they would rather be doing better things and put down their weapons, however one villain who has clearly been a victim of society decides to try to take over the kingdom he is promptly hit by a huge tower and the good guys Cheer and start to mock him. What sort of message is this sending my niece that some times the evil people just need to be killed?

perhaps I'm reading to much into it but it doesn't encourage me much that this is the sort of family entertainment a year ago I would have felt was good for my nieces.

posted by pete footer at 7:22 PM ::: 47 comments

I'm back

So I've decided that I should start this blog up again at the very least it stands as an acountability partner that follows me around the world and brings up my convictions to make sure I stick to them.

posted by pete footer at 7:18 PM ::: 0 comments