Monday, October 29, 2007

Street preaching:
The other day we took part in open street evangelism (I say took part but I had no choice). Any one who knows me well will know that I not only don't do street preaching but hate it. This time we went about preaching in a whole new way we formed a circle and wen't about praising God this worship was not for the people but for God. We respectfully shared out testimonies, scripture and a short sermon to any one who wanted to listen that included us. The meeting was done in such a way that we didn't push the Gospel on any one but invited them to share in the meeting with us. Most forms of street preaching I've seen or taken part of have involved preaching to "the other people" whiles Christians handed out Gospel tracts I see that as being counter productive. What I experienced the other day is the way I invision all churches, getting rid of their buildings that waste space,money and effort and having meetings outside. I am very glad that dispite my protests I was forced to take part. Praise God
I know this may upset some people:
About a year ago I came to the conclusion that I was not a soldier IHQ didn't want me to be one and I didn't think it necessary to help spread the gospel so I stepped down, this has been great for me and taken a huge burden that was on my back. Recently I decided to make this official this is proving to be very hard. People seem to think that this is a great big tragedy instead of a step forward in my walk with God. Please pray that people would be understanding and please pray for me in this new walk in life. I should say that whiles I am not a soldier any more I do love soldier ship and encourage it for anyone who is called.
On a lighter note next month is Moe-vember and because of this some of have decided to celebrate the month by growing moustaches. The rules are simple start the month clean shaven and grow.

posted by pete footer at 8:44 AM ::: 1 comments


I go to the streets to see Jesus
To nature to pray
and to church to see how much I need a shower.

Living in the slums I've learnt one thing churches are still unwelcome to homeless and drug addicts. This is not to say that I was not welcomed or that any one would not be welcomed and make Friends but every thing is so clean and every one smells so nice you can't help but feel that you don't fit in.

posted by pete footer at 7:55 AM ::: 1 comments

a bit about me
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

So a lot of people are joining this blog for the first time so let me sum up who I am and then I will try to update every one what's hapening every other day.

My name is Peter I am from Australia, I was a mission worker in China for just under 2 years. I consider Hong Kong my home and hope to get there for Christmas. My family live in Australia. When I'm in Australia I do not attend a church (building) but live in a Acts 2 based house. I enjoy all kinds of music but realy get into old metal.

posted by pete footer at 9:18 AM ::: 2 comments

Canada has been a large range of firsts:
Eating Turkey
Getting high (I was talking to some one who was smoking it)
Eating a Namimo bar
Drinking super size drinks
Eating chicken wings at a pub
Walking, reading and praying (all at the same time)

posted by pete footer at 8:58 AM ::: 3 comments

remember the good old days
I remember the good old days working in Asia and going to Australia to visit my family and friends not a care in the world.
The other day we had a debt collector on our level abusing one of the guy's. I couldn't bring myself to jump into the fight he was a skinny user so I could have taken him down if I needed. Last night we went to street combat and I couldn't bring myself to talk to any one finally my partner bullied me into talking to some one. Generally I am not what I would call a pansy I a bible smuggler for goodness sake I break the law for fun I have stared down mass crowds of people wanting to hit me (OK so that was just in high school) I'm not an advocate for violence but why have I become such a wimp?
UFC and drinks at the pub
So the other day I was sitting in the pub with some of my slum mates drinking (coke :P) we came to the pub to watch a UFC game on the TV and it dawned on me that we had just by being in the pub redeemed the whole scene from being a place to drink to a place of entertainment (I got to eat my first chicken wings to)

posted by pete footer at 8:51 AM ::: 1 comments

Monday, October 15, 2007

Well I'm back so here's a quick sum up of what's been going on.

I am now living in Canada in a place called Vancouver. I live on a street called East Haistings (if you want to know more do a tourist search for the road it's classed as where not to go)

I am in college for a year studying biblical studies and practical ministry's my class is very small just 8 of us. So to start everything back here's a few photo's.

posted by pete footer at 2:37 PM ::: 1 comments