Thank God
Thursday, February 22, 2007

I want to thank God for a few people:

Tim: For those of you who know Tim will know exactly why I want to thank God for him since I have been in Australia he has done nothings else but help me giving my rides to work interviews, being some one to talk to and always being there to help out in any way. There are very few things that my mate Tim wouldn't do to help some one in need and I thank God for that.

Lux: Seeing as the people who read this are mostly Canadian and Australian most of you will know Lux, she is by far the most patient and giving person I know. This week I got to see her in action hanging out with the homeless people of Adelaide and sharing the gospel. One day when I was in Secondary school some one told me that I should look at some one older than me and ask my self "do I want to be like them when I am their age?" This question was what got me out of retail and out of my last labour job, when I looked at my managers I imagined just how disappointed I would be if became them. Long story short when I look at Lux I can easily say that yes I would be happy to be like her when I reach her age. Allways giving never expecting to receive she has accomplished a lot in life and clearly will accomplish more.

So I thank God for these two people in my life who have made the journey so much more fulfilling.

posted by pete footer at 7:59 PM


23/2/07 22:56 ::: Blogger lux said...

Thanks pete, i recieve that. :)
I also thank God for you, cause i have had so much fun hanging out with you over the years, and seeing you grow, but as we were hanging out at your place today, talking with everyone, i could see how much you have grown, and yet i still saw the same pete that i saw when you were in High School. You are just being more and more of you, more and more of who you are in Christ, which was there while you were in High School, but is more real now.
And also cause over the years i have learnt stuff from you too.
God bless ya aboundantly.


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