Friday, December 08, 2006

Just an update on how everything is:
I have been working in HK for around about a year now (I still can't speak Chinese)
On Jan 31 I will be going to Australia to start working in order to save up to go to War college in September. I know and believe and can testify that God could come up with the money if I stayed here but I am feeling lead to go work for this money, if I work for this then I will learn to appreciate it more when I am there.
War College is based in Canada, Vancouver it is a college based around action rather than sitting behind a desk learning theological ideas so I would recommend it to any one.( War college link/)
Another great thing Vancouver has is snow, I have not seen snow for the last 10 years and so my aim for next year is to build a snowman :P
After finishing War college and building a snowman I will be heading back to HK to hopefully start up a 614 (614network/) which is basically a house church where every body lives.
When I go back to Hk I think I will be getting a one way ticket as no missionary who plans on retreating back to the fleshly comforts of Australia are fully in it for the gospel. besides Hk is really nice.

posted by pete footer at 8:52 AM


11/12/06 17:35 ::: Blogger Denise said...

I don't know about snow in Vancouver - we've had an abnormal amount this year, but its gone now and probably won't be coming back. Rain, yes. Snow, not usually!
Have you applied to TWC yet? Just curious since the application hasn't arrived in the inbox of the registrar! ;)



11/12/06 17:43 ::: Blogger pete footer said...

I'm holding off till I get back into Australia, kind of taking one thing at a time. so registration should be in Feb if all goes well.


13/12/06 20:16 ::: Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see that War college is also in Charlotte. Charlotte is close to the mountains that gets snow yearly.


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