Friday, October 20, 2006
Last night at 2am I had an alarming phone call from a missionary friend in China (thank God I was still awake) He had been going through a boarder into China with books and had been caught. Generally this is not a problem but what happened could have endangered allot of people they made him weight a whole hour then told him that he would be allowed to go with the books, almost instantly God told him that he was being followed so he boarded a bus then jumped off a few stops later two under cover PBS officers got off and weighted to see what his next move would be. He than quickly ran to the nearest Taxi and told the guy that the police were after him and that he had to lose them, after about an hour of driving and running he eventually managed to lose them for just enough time to drop off the books and get away. He is now in Hong Kong weighting to see how China will react, they now know house locations and some names. This could mean that he is now on record and will be followed or not allowed into China.
Please pray for this. posted by pete footer at 9:21 PM
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